Alison Fletcher Traditional Acupuncture in Woodbridge, Suffolk

Long-term, confidential support for fertility, conception, pregnancy, labour and post-natal recovery


"You probably don't realise just how effective acupuncture is until you try it and acupuncture with Alison is the very best that it can be. I can confidently say that having weekly acupuncture with Alison helped me conceive via IVF and stay pregnant with my wonderful twins. Alison offers a truly holistic approach to whatever condition you need treating and her manner is so natural that one feels completely at ease." 2013 client testimonial

Whenever possible, I like to see couples together at the initial appointment so that they meet me and understand the support available to both of them using a variety of acupuncture, massage, nutrition and lifestyle advice.  I keep up-to-date with the latest techniques, supplements and ideas in the rapidly progressing world of both fertility and assisted conception. 

Traditional Acupuncture treats both the physical and emotional aspects and if clients start treatment 3 months before considering assisted conception it often results in a natural conception precluding the need for medical intervention.

Acupuncture for fertility can be carried out in conjunction with Western Medicine and the research results to date are promising. Research has been carried out into the effects of Acupuncture in the following areas:

  • Improving sperm count, motility and abnormalities in form
  • Regulating the menstrual cycle
  • Reducing stress
  • Increasing the blood supply to the pelvic organs and supporting the thickening of the endometrium
  • Triggering Ovulation
  • Helping PCOS, Endometriosis, Dysmenhorroea and Pelvic Inflammation

    Acupuncture helps with the emotions, promoting positivity and confidence as clients know they are getting their bodies and minds in the best possible shape for conception. I also offer helpful and easy-to-implement nutrition and lifestyle advice.

    Clients can feel their GP/consultant appointments are clinical and short, with little time to ask questions or discuss their fears or doubts - my 55-minute sessions provide the opportunity for this type of caring support. I use visualisation techniques for the pre-embryo transfer and 2-week wait which many clients continue to practise at home.

    Acupuncture is safe at all times to support and maintain the pregnancy and relieve common symptoms such as morning sickness, fatigue and symphysis pubis dysfunction. Towards the end of the third trimester I focus treatments to prepare for and facilitate labour.

    Particularly popular with birthing partners are my sessions to learn acupressure to assist with labour.


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